
20 check points to loose weight


Even if you follow a fitness routine and you often choose healthier foods, you may not be seeing the weight come off the way you hope. One out of the following 20 reasons may what is standing in the way of your weight-loss goals.

 You just want to slim down: You need a clear objective to achieve something; set a goal ex. kg or model.

 You think walking with your dog is also an exercise: If you want to burn fat, you need to do aerobic, heart-pumping exercises.

 You don’t do weight training: cardio exercises are not enough to increase the basal metabolic rate.

 You wear oversized closing: Wear tight clothes to check out your bodyline and keep motivation.

 You don’t drink water: Filling up on water before a meal helps encourage portion control, it is also said that water promotes metabolism.

 You exercise with an empty stomach: You need fuel for exercise; otherwise proteins instead of fat or carbs are consumed.

 You don’t take carbs: For the same reason as above, excluding carbs from your diet is not effective.

 You overeat low-calorie food: Obviously that will sum up to a high calorie diet.

 You don’t east enough veggies: It is very important to anyone; they don’t have few calories but are full of nutrition.

 You skip breakfast: It is said that people eating breakfast are more likely to loose weight.

 You don’t sleep enough: It is said that sleeping can help to decrees appetite.

 You often eat at the kitchen: If you do that, you eat more without being conscious.

 You don’t cut the food: Studies show that humans find smaller portions more satisfying and, as a result, are satisfied with less.

 You don’t eat enough: If you are not satisfied at a meal, you tend to eat snacks.

 You love toppings and dressings: Salad can turn to a high calorie diet if it comes with mayonnaise.

 You rely on low-fat foods: There might be sugar instead of fat; “low-fat” doesn’t mean “low-calorie”.

 You eat while doing something: Without concentration on eating, you loose the portion control.

 You don’t record your diet: You need to have a clear overview on your diet to control it.

 You never indulge: Sometimes you just need to eat your favorite food to keep on.

 You feel stressed: Being relaxed, thinking positive makes you look beautiful!

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