EN follows
GIは、Glycemic Index(グリセミック・インデックス)の略で、食後の血糖値の上昇度を示す指標のこと。つまり、食品に含まれる炭水化物のうちの糖質が、摂取2時間までにどれだけ血液中に入るかを計ったもの。
source: Examined Existence
“GI” stands for Glycemic Index and measures measures how a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose (sugar). So it shows how much the sugar contained in the food is absorbed into your blood after 2 hours eating it.
When sugar (fuel the body needs for activities) is taken into blood, Insulin, a hormone that helps sugar absorption into the whole body, is secreted from the Pancreas. This Insulin, however, enhances fat synthesis and suppresses its decomposition. Which means, taking excess sugar into your body leads to excess Insulin secretion ending up in accumulation of fat.
That is why we need to think about having low GI food. WHO announced in 2003, that low GI food have the potential to prevent the risk of having excess weight, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Low calorie doesn’t always mean low risk of gaining weight
It seems that many people believe that “high calorie food increase the blood-sugar level”, “carbohydrates are the fuel for energy, so they are high in calories and make one gain weight”. This is not always true. Recent studies proved that some food containing carbohydrate increase the blood-sugar level more slowly than the others. For example potato and sweet potato; potatoes have less calories but have high GI. Which means, sweet potatoes are preferable for those who want to loose weight. Having rye or whole meal bread instead of white or French bread also helps to lower GI.
Carbohydrate consists of sugar and dietary fiber, which are essential nutrients for human beings. If you want to loose weight, don’t just skip all the carbohydrate from your diet, but effectively intake them considering GI.
* see above for GI chart
*related article: sweet potato recommended for staple diet, Carbs are not enemies
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