【今更聞けない:BCAAとは?】EN follows
Branched Chain Amino Acidsの頭文字で、分岐鎖アミノ酸、具体的には必須アミノ酸であるバリン、ロイシン、イソロイシンのこと。
BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids, in particular Valine, Rosin, Isolhoisin, which are essential amino acids.
What are essential amino acids? Skin, nails, muscles, blood… 20% of our body is made of protein. And proteins are chains of 20 kinds of amino acids. 9 out of these 20 amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body and need to be taken from food. These 9 kinds of amino acids are the essential amino acids.
What is the relation to training? 35% of the essential amino acids that make our muscle protein are BCAA. And BCAA is the only amino acid that can be fuel of energy. If the blood-BCAA level is not high enough, body starts to use the BCAA stored in the muscles, which means, muscles start to degrade. This conditions leads to muscle damage and muscle weakness. To be efficient at the training, BCAA needs to be taken in to keep the BCAA-blood level.
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